Monday, April 21, 2008

Ah the wonder of tires!

I linked the title to a really awesome article all about tires. It's catch lines ponders, "Where do tires go when they die." The answer might surprise you: Almost half (42%) of tires end up being burned as fuels in reactor fires for things concrete or even paper factories. There are also myriad other uses for tires, (see the article), but what really perplexes me is that this source of fuel, fertilizer, rubber for a thousand different needs--this great resource, well, 10% of tires still make it to the landfill and from what I know about tires in landfills. That's a whole lot of tires.

In Oregon alone there a single company that moves a tractor trailer load of tires from a dump site to a concrete facility and they'll be moving that one mound to the concrete plant for burning for the next 10 years! Wow!

Just think about it: tires on the road--well how about tires in your tank? I think it's time to raid the landfill.

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