I have included Groppe's bio here and provided links to two of his recent interviews for your benefit.

"Henry Groppe founded Groppe, Long & Littell in 1955. He has 55 years of experience in the oil, natural gas and petrochemical industries, including positions with Arabian American Oil Company, Dow Chemical, Monsanto and Texaco.
He is a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and has served as a charter member of the Texas Governor’s Energy Council and a director of the United States Energy Association (the U.S. member committee to the World Energy Council).
Mr. Groppe is a distinguished engineering graduate of the University of Texas and is a former officer in the U.S. Navy."(bio from http://www.groppelong.com)
Groppe's talk on peak oil (2005)
Groppe's interview on oil price spikes (2007, audio and transcript)
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